Superman: Unbound (2013 Video)
Just terrible...
18 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Being a huge DC animated fan, this was especially painful to watch. I never review films, but I simply had to comment on the absurdities found in this movie.

Besides the giant green Brainiac who seemed more human emotionally than robot, most of the characters looked and acted their parts. The problems are mostly with ridiculous plot points and lack of story. Braniac invades Metropolis, Superman wins (obiously). Fine, that's cool, as long as there's some decent action. Instead we get such ridiculous scenes, such as Lois Lane kicking an office chair hard enough to whisk across the floor and forcefully eject a super-strong Braniac robot out the waist high window. Right. A group of her coworkers then push a desk into multiple super robots which then fly out the window as if tossed by Superman himself. None of these robots fight back, seemingly entranced from the great rebellion by the wage slaves of the Daily Planet. Oh wait there's more nonsense to be had! Let's talk about the showdown.

Braniac is trading blows with Superman on Earth, until, Superman decides to mention how Braniac has a weakness being isolated in his ship. He then goes on to explain that his brain can't handle all the chaos. On cue, Brainiac's head bubbles explode as if surrendering to Supermans speech line-by-line. Brainiac falls in some mud and begins to whimper like a little bitch about the bacteria, flies and dirt that he is covered in. A missile heading to the sun is diverted by Supergirl, the missile then explodes without harming anything. Naturally, the bad guy has to now spontaneously combust for no apparent reason while Superman watches without emotion or expression. This is where the script writer decides to throw in another little pearl "Welcome to Earth", says Superman as he stands over Brainiac's ashen remains. Seriously? Clichéd and corny.

Of course we also need a happy, Disney ending; the miniaturized Metropolis is restored with the simple pull of a pin on it's glass shell. Because we all know Brainiac installed a super easy method of restoring the stolen cities to their originals just in case he changed his mind about universal domination - uh huh.

Clark kisses Lois in the midst of the staff and emergency crews at the Daily Planet who all stop attending to their patients and the injured to stare at them. Apparently it's very odd for people to kiss after a near apocalypse and express their love, but it's also OK to stop saving people in order to express the magnitude of shock the audience should feel at the revelation of their relationship. Puh-lease.

Let's go back to the likes of Superman/Batman Public Enemies, Apocalypse, Under the Red Hood, etc, which had proper storyboarding, scripting and heart. Unfortunate that garbage like this gets screen time, and monkeys get paid for making it.
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