Run Lola Run (1998)
A frenetic, compelling, and fun film
27 August 2013
I used to love choose-your-own-adventure books as a kid. I would read through them again and again until I experienced every possible ending. The first time I watched "Run Lola Run" it reminded of those very books. Lola (Franka Potente) learns that her boyfriend lost some money that he owes to some gangsters and she now has 20 minutes to find the money or some other way to help him. So, like the title says, she starts running. The story line by itself might be interesting in the hands of an average director, but director Tom Tykwer is clearly no average director. The story unfolds quickly to what seems to be a conclusion, but then we are suddenly whipped back in time and we see things unfold again, this time in a different way. Like life, this is a situation with multiple possibilities and Tykwer brilliantly finds a way to show us these multiple possibilities in an exciting and effective way. He uses great visual techniques and editing to move the story along at a breakneck speed. The film score is basically techno music, but it fits the mood and feel of the film perfectly. And then there is Potente, she has such great charisma and presence that you can't help but be drawn in and cheer for her. All of this works together to bring home the message of the film that even the smallest things can have large consequences. "Run Lola Run" is an incredibly compelling and frenetic film with depth and a wonderful spirit. The only thing that may disappoint you is that it over too quickly.
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