Infantile trash.
22 September 2013
What's so hilarious about a show that criticizes low budget films? With the comments so supposedly clever that idiotic fans label the show "genius" and the "greatest show, ever...", etc. MST3K is the TV equivalent of idiotic trash like the Howard Stern radio show. A bunch of morons sit around and make fun of, whatever, without taking a good look at themselves. Taking pot shots at low-budget films is no big deal. The morons who embrace this show have no imagination and have to have someone make the remarks for them, so they can feel superior. If MST3K took on the big, so-called "important" films, like ALL THE PRESIDENTS MEN, THE COLOR PURPLE, ARMISTAD, anything by Woody Allen, Robert Redford, Spike Lee, etc., then I could respect them. Making fun of a low-budget film on a televised show, is the TV equivalent of a bully picking on a 98 pound weakling.
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