Review of Jobs

Jobs (2013)
Not what the audience wanted, but still an amazing movie
27 September 2013
Apple is currently the highest net worth company in the world and to own any of the Apple gadgets has become a status symbol. Steve Jobs is an idol, a revolutionary and an inspiration to the millions of people who want to change the world. After his death, his legendary status grew even more (as it always does with passed away celebrities), so it is perfectly reasonable that there were high expectations for this movie. People were expecting a grand masterpiece of epic proportions about a man who many want to relate to and who many want to be.

Unfortunately, the movie took a slightly different turn and the result of this can be seen on the IMDb movie score. This movie is not an epic journey of a strange protégé who eventually achieved everything there was to achieve and was carried on the arms of a cheering crowd at the end, followed by the end credits. NO! This is a movie about Jobs - about his personality, about his decisions, about his victories and about his failures. It is a cruel representation of what you have to go through in this world to achieve the status that he now has.

It's a movie about a troubled hipster who wanted to learn and to achieve something, but hated the system into which the young are thrown into. He dropped out of College but still attended some classes, he got into fights at work because he would yell at his coworkers that they were not doing their job, he took other peoples ideas, remade them into a story and sold them with his speeches and he wanted all. He was stubborn, he always wanted the impossible and here comes the part that made him a legend: he always got the impossible out of people.

Eventually he was driven from his company, he made bad calls, bad decisions, bad products, but later came back and dominated the computer scene again. He probably had more bad moments than good, but it's the good ones that count...and it's the good ones that changed the world.

The people didn't get what they wanted...they didn't get a people's hero nor the man that was always right. And no one wants to see a movie about a man who nobody liked half of the movie...but it is how he was and you have to accept that.

Ashton Kutcher's portrayal was also quite good and it seems that all the comedy movies and series that he has done have earned him a title of a bad actor, so you will hear a lot people saying this was a miss cast. Don't believe this people: go see the movie and make up your own mind.

So don't be discouraged by the low IMDb ranking and see this movie with expectations of a great movie about a man who was an inventor, a visionary, a man who changed the world, but was still only that: a man, nothing more, nothing less.

P.s. Don't expect to see any modern products in this movie. At the beginning, you will only briefly get to see the first generation Ipod, while other products are all the ones from the era before 1996. The movie actually ends in 1996, so many are disappointed that the movie did not show the era of Ipod's, Ipad's, Iphone's and Macbook's.
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