Slightly better than average
5 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Picked it up because I recognized the names on the cover and thought it was worth a watch.

Film revolves around Axel (Dolph Lundgren) trying to figure out who killed brothers Quinn (Billy Zane) and Kurt's (Gianni Capaldi) father. Other subplots in the film show Campbell (Vinnie Jones) and his uncle trying to take over the family business once he dies and there's also Kurt, who is now an FBI agent, trying to figure out who killed his father who was a mob boss. (No background checks from FBI?)

I understand that this is not a 100 million budget so I went into the movie knowing that. But my problem with this film is not so much any acting or action its the ridiculous gaping holes in the story.

So at the start of the film we see Dolph with a machine gun then he is apparently shot with a hand gun next to his hand. ??? Vinnie Jones tells Billy Zane's character that he was in jail for 4 years whilst we were told he was in for 3, you think that someone would know the difference between 3 and 4! The two very close brothers never once come into contact when Quinn gets out of jail. Did they forget who each other were?? Quinn's comment to Mr Huang in a deal where he says "How many people do you have here?" The Asian guy, (such awful acting), had 2 men there and Quinn brought one. Why wasn't Davi's character running the business and not Campbell? Did he go on vacation? Lundgren bought a bottle of wine yet he says don't drink stay sharp.

I know these are getting into details but the audience is not stupid and at this level doesn't the editor see these problems?

CGI in this could've been a lot better. Felt amateurish. The hacking part was bad!

Worse thing about this film must be the ending. Too much narration by Axel, and shooting as a sniper was such an anti climax to the film, was hoping for some more action or something a bit more exciting. There seemed to have been a deal made with Axel and Kurt but we should have had more of the FBI influence towards the end.

What I did like was the way we saw some of the story twists and turns, I thought the sub stories should have been developed more. Axel chasing Campbell down and then Campbell chasing Axel for the final confrontation (a fight scene between those 2 now that would have been sweeeet!). Dolph's other fighting scenes are always enjoyable. Fighting with some sexy girl is always enjoyable! Some of the chases were good with FBI Kurt and some of the action sequences.

Billy Zane and Vinnie Jones performed exceptionally well and there were solid performances from Robert Davi and Gianni Capaldi. Dolph this time round was not at his best.

Summarizing, this film was a good Thursday night film to keep you entertained, it has some good elements and its far from perfect but that is why we love these type of films.

A 6 out of 10.
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