By Any Means (2013)
A terrible, lazy waste of time
11 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I've never written a review before but I just found myself getting so annoyed as I watched the pilot episode of this show. I was willing to forgive it being an over-done, here-we-go-again crime show that edged between seriousness and humor as I figured it would be a bit of light viewing, not too taxing on the brain but with enough action to pass some time in a mildly entertaining way. What instantly began to grate on me were the obnoxious, unlikeable and (despite what I am assuming were their 'best' efforts) completely unfunny characters. This was not helped by the script which only served to re-hash ancient stereotypes and solidify my opinion that the characters involved were unworthy of my interest let alone my empathy. For example, the ONLY main female in the show has a 'witty' back and forth with the main 'loose cannon' character about the existence of PMS. Also, the 'psychopath' crime boss as it turns out is a simpleton, despite the fact that he has gotten away with murder and other various crimes, all it takes is a mild annoyance to bring him down, much to the smug satisfaction of the 3 main characters who at this point I would just like to smack. The story in general involves a jumble of stolen ideas, from other TV shows, movies and even real life. In an attempt to be clever a series of twists in a very Ocean's 11 style is presented at the end with the intent for the audience to go Ah-Ha at the brilliance of it all. What actually happened for me was confusion as the several twists involved relied on one another in order to make any kind of muddled sense, when a twist cannot be in any way predicted and adds nothing to a show's climax then in my mind it should not be included. My annoyance at this half-baked show which from concept to completion lacks any real redeeming features is only highlighted by the quality of TV programming which we have been treated to over the last few years, this pointless program doesn't even have the decency to make fun of itself.
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