Cracking Good Fun - Best of the Trilogy
3 November 2013
The Outpost series of films is Movie-Marmite. It's about undead zombie Nazi's, which means you either love films like this or you don't. But if you love that crazy yet serious tone of early John Carpenter pics, or enjoy the balls-out wartime action of Where Eagles Dare, then you're going to have a blast with this film

In Rise of the Spetsnaz, a bunch of Russian special forces in WWII ambush a Nazi convoy and discover a secret base. They're captured, locked up and must escape, especially once they discover the Nazi's plan to experiment on them.

The origin story is simple, straight forward and told very well. Unlike the first Outpost, or the sequel, their are no ghost-zombies or extraneous sci-fi devices to absorb because the Nazis in 'Spetsnaz' haven't invented it yet. The more outrageous quantum-physics tech used in the other movies is still a future dream of the Nazis and is what they're striving to create; so rather than this being a man against science/supernatural film, it's more a balls-to-the-wall WWII action thriller.

Like the other films, the actors and film makers are taking this all deadly seriously. The acting (especially for this kind of film) is superb. Bryan Larkin channels Gerard Buttler and looks like a major action hero in waiting whilst uber-Nazi Michael McKell has the gravitas of the best Bond villains.

All in all, Rise of the Spetsnaz is the best popcorn actioner I've seen in a long time. It's great fun, suspenseful and the most accessible installment to the Outpost universe.
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