Ultimately Rather Disappointing
17 November 2013
Eve (Renée Soutendijk) is a military robot made to look exactly like her creator (also Soutendijk). When she is damaged during a bank robbery, the robot begins to use more of the memories she has been programmed with by her creator, the dark, angry ones.

Vincent Canby called the film "an undistinguished, barely functional action-melodrama." While a bit harsh, I would say he is hardly wrong. For what could be a fun film -- the military and police are tracking down a killer robot -- it is largely rather pointless and the plot turns do not always make sense to the viewer.

Apparently in the Netherlands, Soutendijk is a sex symbol. And you can see they tried to work with that here, as guys are compelled to come on to her. I hate to be critical of someone's appearance, but if you are supposed to have a "sexy" robot, you might want someone who looks at least average...
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