Jungle Hell (1956)
Might have made an interesting series
18 November 2013
Sabu like so many Hollywood stars was looking toward television as his career salvation. Jungle Hell is patchwork type of feature film edited from some episodes of an unreleased television series.

Possibly had we seen the full episodes they might have been entertaining enough. Judging from what I have seen the series was no better or worse than say Sheena or Ramar Of The Jungle. Television was a tad slow in catching on to public tastes. They were still making stories in a Hollywood like jungle when filmgoers were seeing the real deal starting with The African Queen and King Solomon's Mines.

Sabu plays Sabu an eager young lad who wants to learn the ways of the west to help his people. Doctors David Bruce and later K.T. Stevens are interested in a 'burning rock' that the natives venerate. In the 50s no need to spell out radioactivity. White hunter George E. Stone has some nefarious purposes of his own for the rock and others like it.

The episodes were cobbled together so you have to fill in a lot with your imagination. Might have made an interesting TV series though as this was shot in Sabu's native Mysore and the footage of the village life was the best part of the film.
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