Review of Sunday

Sunday (2002 TV Movie)
Review and film and not a "biased" history...
25 November 2013
McGovern has used to astonishing effect both the infamous photos from the day and the eye witness accounts from both soldiers and marchers that led to those photos being taken. The "not spoken of; yet well known" stories of (at the time)oppressed Irish Catholics of the North. Harrowing... but to but it simply it does not tell the true story of the north at the time. It does not delve into the cause and effect, the fear and despair for everyone that was placed or lived at that time in that part of the world. ... but regardless of what you read above "reviews" ... this has been proved a factual... and it is a hard watch but well worth it. Enjoy

I will leave the reviews to the reviewers but as some may have read above reviews both about the film and defending the soldiers and claim it too be biased against them.. what has now become fact is that those soldiers are being treated as murderers and that every word they said was a lie...
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