Lots of changes!
25 November 2013
This is the first episode of the final season of this beloved show! There are many changes in this season:

1. The Ingalls family moved away after a hard winter. They moved to the city...again...where Charles will work in a men's clothing store. I guess this time it sticks. He's had enough of farming. The only member of the family (besides Laura and Almanzo) that we see is Charles. He says goodbye to the beloved house, his daughter, and all his friends.

2. A new school teacher has arrived to replace Laura, who has to quit in order to devote more time to her daughter. Etta Plum, played by Leslie Landon, will be the school teacher this short season.

3. Royal comes to visit Laura and Almanzo. We met a Royal in Season 7 when Laura and Almanzo took care of the two boys. Apparently that episode was forgotten since this brother has a daughter and no wife. The living arrangements and family dynamics will change forever. Royal reveals a secret at the end of this episode that will make it so.

4. A new family has moved into the Ingalls Family and will have lots of stories and air time devoted to them. Jon and Sara Carter have two boys: Jeb and Jason.

Yep, it's lots of changes for Little House! Incidentally, Season Nine was not supposed to happen. Popular demand brought the show back for one shortened season. The changed dynamics of the show, however, killed it for good.
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