You, Me & Them (2013–2015)
About as much fun as drowning.
28 November 2013
After seeing the trailers for this show on Gold I initially had high hopes. But after the first episode those hopes were well and truly dashed, but in fairness that is common, as the first episode of any new series is really just establishing characters and their relationships within the storyline. So I dismissed my scepticism as unjust in the hope that once it got into its stride that it would somehow perk up and improve. WRONG. This is possibly the most painfully dire, forced and unfunny British sitcom I have seen in literally decades. It's predictable like watching a fatal car crash in slow motion and about as humorous as aforementioned too. If you really find yourself with 40 minutes to kill on an evening I'd suggest a couple of pints of beer instead as that will leave a far less bitter after taste and a greater feeling of satisfaction.
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