The Twilight Zone: The Obsolete Man (1961)
Season 2, Episode 29
Where dumbing-down will lead us to if we let it.
1 December 2013
Probably the most important message to come from the Zone is this one. Romney Wordsworth (Burgess Meredith) is proud to be a librarian in a totalitarian state where such an occupation is banned. He is condemned to death for this as he is deemed obsolete by the Chancellor (Fritz Weaver). The state is an austere place that bans all freedom of thought. However, Wordsworth is a man with a plan, being inspired to make a stand for the literature and freedom of religious thought that he loves.

'The Obsolete Man' has the quality of a nightmare while being natural and true at the same time. The message about the individual is timeless. We all need education, literacy, personal aspirations, and choice to be really human. Serling mentions the tyrants of history leaving their impression on this state. Do not let the dumbing-down, ban-everything, political correctness of today facilitate their evil, lingering influence.
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