Bounty Killer (2013)
Not Bad
7 December 2013
In this wild comic-book-romp, Kill Bill meets the Road Warrior. This is yet another devastated future. In this attempt, bounty killers are like rock stars and one of the best is the hottie who calls herself Mary Death. Actually, Mary Death was her third choice, but she found out Bloody Mary and Proud Mary had already been taken. With more blood and guts than WWI and WW2 combined, this is not for kiddies, but all done with a bit of a comic flair and such fast action and colorful characters you just go along for the crazy ride. All in all, although this is normally not my kind of flick, I couldn't help but enjoy this, not for the worn out premise which has been greatly overdone in the past twenty years of so, and certainly not because it made any real sort of sense, but simply because it was a fun ride and at least it didn't get any blood on the audience. The only person I recognized was Gary Busey. Actually, I recognized his teeth before I got a good look at him, but man, those teeth! However, everyone did a good job which consisted mainly of being vicious killers. If you're not too squeamish, go ahead and rent this. Don't buy it because once will be enough.
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