Parkland (2013)
50 years and counting
15 December 2013
We recently passed the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, prompting further discussion about the full story of what happened. Peter Landesman's "Parkland" looks at the events that unfolded in the immediate aftermath of the assassination, and the panic that accompanied everything: the attempts to resuscitate the president in Parkland Hospital, Abraham Zapruder's arguments with the feds about the ownership of his now famous short, and discussions among law enforcement about an earlier chance that they'd had to arrest Lee Harvey Oswald (as well as the controversy about the burial of the man charged with killing the president). But more than anything, there was no doubt that the assassination marked the beginning of the end of the age of innocence.

I'd say that the movie does a good job looking at the day's events. It would be hard for me to give a truly accurate assessment, since I was born long after the assassination. Oswald's mother comes across as a maniac; I suspect that she refused to believe that her son could kill the president. In the end, I recommend the movie.
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