Tasmanian Devils (2013 TV Movie)
Tasmanian what?
30 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a disaster. No, scratch that. A disaster would be horrifying to behold. This was an effin' sleeping pill, combined with those moments where you facepalmed due to the sheer stupidity and predictableness of the characters and devils alike. Due to my respect for all Tasmanian Devils out there, I tried to sit through to the end, but when the "main" couple was all that remained, that was it. I didn't even have the stamina to sit through in the hopes that another Devil would surface and devour them.

Some spoiler-ish stupidity: 1) You don't have time to help your wounded friend up a ladder since the devils are coming, but you do have time to bicker about it. 2) When said friend pitifully crawls towards the tower later, remember the conversation, and let him fend for himself, cheer him on if you like. 3) Conclude that there are six Devils, and you've killed two. Kill four more, and you'll be saved. 4) If a younger ranger gets jumped by a Devil in the night, they'll forget about him until next morning, when they hear him scream, stuck in a tree. 5) When using the radio, make sure to shout. Unless you have really bad timing, your girlfriend will not be surrounded by Devils with sensitive ears. 6) Always kill off the best characters.

Conclusion: The cover of the DVD says this is the best horror movie about Tasmanian Devils ever. My question, is there any other horror movies about Tasmanian Devils somewhere? This is the first I've heard of. Says it all. Shut off your brain, and you might enjoy this movie.
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