it's hard not to contain spoilers, not that it will lessen the enjoyment
11 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
We are directed thru this shambles from the perspective of a doctor who is in a hurry to get to his place of work. He has a son and meets an attractive female on a train. Other stereotypical characters are introduced to raise our suspicions of possibly some sort of terrorist act further in the proceedings. The train fails to stop,then there appears to be staff missing from the train, and pathetic attempts are made to find out who is in the drivers seat. They manage to eventually disconnect one of the carriages, before which they casually throw back a few beverages and chat amongst themselves about irrelevant life lessons, even though they are expecting to die in approx 5 minutes. The idiot Dr then finds himself on the wrong side of the train carriages as the last carriage separates, and then he miraculously throws himself out the back of a speeding train as it crashes into the last station. You've seen this movies a hundred times, the acting is terrible, the plot is predictable, and we are left none the wiser as to who was was driving, or why? It dragged, it had numerous plot and acting flaws, there was no interesting dialogue, or inspired character portrayals. It floors me to think how these get made, who is funding this rubbish and why? I gave it 2 stars because there was an ambiance to the film, I felt there was potential at the beginning, but I got nothing from the film except a lack of sleep, from staying up to watch it.
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