Beautifully made, austere ....
20 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In a year of out-sized entertainments, ILD was an anomaly - minimal special effects, much silence - music used within the story, rather than an emotion-yanking soundtrack. Beautiful performances, down to the smallest role - the two couples who were guests at the professors apartment - amazing. Minimal pyrotechnics beyond one abortive beating.

But for me - difficult to enter. I remember that scene well, went to college in NYC in the 60's, and the film was immersed in aura I remember - not with nostalgia or sentimentality, but accurately. Kids without money scrambling to make some sort of music career, old Village characters and Times Square types holding out. A cold winter, no money, road trips, overdoses - the beginning of Vietnam, but all Llewyn can focus on is keeping himself warm & fed. The outside world is like the weather - chill, oppressive, dangerous.

I did not understand the timeline of the ending, but that didn't really bother me; probably wasn't meant to be understood. I'm glad I saw it, but I would recommend it cautiously - not an easy ride. Stark Sands singing "Last Thing on my Mind" broke my heart.
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