30 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
TITLE: THE LAST OF SHEILA opened in theaters on June 14 1973 and the runtime was 120 minutes

STARRING: The Last of Sheila is a 1973 mystery film directed by Herbert Ross, written by Anthony Perkins and Stephen Sondheim, It stars Richard Benjamin, Dyan Cannon, James Coburn, James Mason, Ian McShane, Joan Hackett, and Raquel Welch. The original music score was composed by Billy Goldenberg. The song "Friends," sung by Bette Midler, can be heard during the final scene of the film and the end credits.

SUMMARY: On a one-week Mediterranean pleasure cruise aboard the yacht of movie producer Clinton Greene (Coburn), the guests include actress Alice Wood (Welch), her talent-manager husband Anthony (McShane), talent agent Christine (Cannon), screenwriter Tom Parkman (Benjamin), Tom's wife Lee (Hackett), and film director Philip Dexter (Mason). The trip is, in fact, a reunion. With the exception of Lee, all were together at Clinton's home one year before, on the night a hit-and-run accident resulted in the death of Clinton's wife, gossip columnist Sheila Greene. Once the cruise is under way, Clinton, a parlor game enthusiast, informs everyone that the week's entertainment will consist of "The Sheila Greene Memorial Gossip Game." The six guests are each assigned an index card containing a secret -- or, in Clinton's words, "a pretend piece of gossip" -- that must be kept hidden from the others. The object of the game is to discover everyone else's secret while protecting one's own. Each night the yacht anchors at a different Mediterranean port city, where one of the six secrets is disclosed to the entire group. The guests are given a clue, and then sent ashore to find the proof of who among them holds the card bearing that night's secret. The game for that night ends when the actual holder of the subject secret discovers the proof. Anyone who has not yet solved the clue receives no points on Clinton's scoreboard for that round. Following the revelation of the first card, "YOU are a SHOPLIFTER," suspicion begins that each guest's card does not contain "pretend" gossip but in fact an actual, embarrassing secret.

QUESTIONS: Why doesn't Clinton return home? Why didn't they call authorities? What did the card say? Who was the card intended for? Why is there is an increasingly growing paranoia? Is the game being played is actually just a portion of a more elaborate puzzle.

MY THOUGHTS: To me this was one of those movies that had stars that kept you interested in but the lack of action and drama made it hard to stay interested in. I thought Dyan Cannon did a good job in her role as Christine. Some of the other stars worth mentioning in their roles was James Coburn in his role as Clinton Greene. In addition, Joan Hackett in her role as Lee. I bought this movie because of Raquel Welch and I was disappointed in how her talent and beauty was used in this movie. She was in a bikini once and that was it. When you have a star, like that, you need to expose her more and they didn't. Base on the movies lack of action and drama along with the way they misuse Raquel Welch I give this movie 6 weasel stars.
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