Influential, engaging, one of the best animated series ever made
11 February 2014
"Batman: The Animated Series" is such a rare jewel. The episodes are short and self-contained, aside for some 2-part cliffhangers. The animation is at times crude, with all of the big blocky male characters. The storytelling is definitely aimed at children.

And yet this is so much more than the sum of its parts. The series is perhaps most notable within Batman for bringing moldy, golden-aged villains and stories into a respectable modern form. It also introduced some of Batman's greatest characters, like Harley Quinn. For an afternoon cartoon series, this had an amazing and totally positive impact on the Batman franchise.

More than just its innovations, I enjoy the episodes for their oddly perfect rendering of the Batman mystique. They are dark without being disturbing, they capture the feeling of a man who wanders the city at night fighting crime in such an interesting way. The music is wonderful, all of the shadows and bleak settings are perfect, and the extensive use of classic cars and art deco architecture sets an incredible mood, capturing the feel of golden age Batman with none of the corniness. Sometimes the stories seem a little simplistic, there are plenty of plot holes and technical implausibilities, but the episodes just look so good and evoke such a powerful mood that I'll probably be rewatching this series on and off for the rest of my life.
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