Funny Enough
14 February 2014
This was bottom of the barrel cinema when it came out. Its not anything you should really have high expectations for when you start into it. That being said, compared to the bottom of the comedy barrel these days this movie is a worthwhile and entertaining entry.

The supporting cast actually isn't too bad. Other reviewers have questioned the appearance of Alan Arkin in this film, and maybe it is weird, but whatever he's in it. So is Vincent Pastore ("Big Pussy" Bonpensiero from "The Sopranos") and cameos from Tom Jones and Ozzy Osbourne (a particularly rare depiction of him when he still had some vital essence left and decked out in appropriate mid-90's high fashion.)

Speaking of the the mid-90's, there's a lot of great footage of New York City in the years right before Giulianni started cleaning the place up.

Anyways, the movie is funny. Its not the funniest movie ever, but the ad hominem attacks, creative profanity, and silly voices will make you laugh. Its nice to see their skits made into live action, even though the real genius of their humor on their tapes was that the calls were real and the calls in the movie are scripted.

Its a solid B-grade comedy. If you're expecting more, you have the wrong idea.
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