Review of Esupai

Esupai (1974)
I know about the white mask
24 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this one recently. It is no worse than other Japanese science fiction that I saw in the sixties and seventies. I saw the version with subtitles so I can explain about the black man with the white hospital mask. The one woman in ESPY gets molested by this black man. We get to see her bare breasts, but only briefly, and he tries to force a kiss on her. In retaliation she uses her psychic power to rip the tongue out of his mouth. Afterwards he wears the white surgical mask. The probably left out a key scene in the dubbed version.

The movie does have some interesting locations. The story isn't bad, and the special effects are reasonably good. If you enjoyed movies from the same era, like Battle In Outer Space or Latitude Zero or Atragon you might enjoy this one too.

Just don't expect too much. This isn't You Only Live Twice.
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