If they had adapted ETIQUETTE . . .
13 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
. . . into a film in which a character named "Emily Post" went around correcting the table manners of Lauren Bacall, Tony Curtis, Henry Fonda, and Natalie Wood, it may well have made for a BETTER movie than SEX AND THE SINGLE GIRL. In the first place, "girls" do NOT have PhD's. Secondly, a book of demographic information and dating tips could have been abridged into an 114-minute on-screen dramatic reading, and been far more entertaining that the lame plot on exhibition here. Taking only its title and author's name from Ms. Brown's original self-help book, the character "Helen Gurly Brown" is presented as a 23-year-old blushing virgin daring to dish out sex advice (something priests have been doing for centuries WITHOUT blushing). Ho ho ho (yawn). Also, Helen's middle name is pronounced the same as "girlie," making this flick a "girlie show" titter-titter (shrug). The material here is so thin, the movie is "padded" out with a slapstick car chase dragging on for nearly half an hour for its "big finale." This is even less hilarious than the coin-operated mirrors shown in STOP MAGAZINE's men's room. People expecting to see A MAN AND A WOMAN-type movie instead are cursed with a dumbed-down version of IT'S A MAD MAD MAD MAD WORLD.
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