Review of 50 to 1

50 to 1 (2014)
Rousing good horse play!
21 March 2014
I love this movie. It's like "Secretariat" with cowboys! Perhaps my opinion is biased since I live in Roswell where Kentucky Derby winner Mine That Bird resides in luxury. The actors/director/crew really caught the feel of rural New Mexico. The script is an intelligent homage to the underdog. Skeet Ulrich is uncanny as the trainer--every movement and stance was perfectly natural as a cowboy. William Devane is the closest to owner Doc Blach anyone could be! And Christian Kane's quirky humor and physicality help embody the oil-rich, bad boy owner, who champions two underdogs--a down-and-out trainer and an unknown horse. But it's the supporting cast that fleshes out the film and makes it a winner. I rate this film excellent in that it's fun to watch; it makes the audience cheer; and it never condescends to the average people behind the scenes of any champion. Kids will love this movie, but parents will appreciate its messages. Ten feel-good hugs.
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