Loved it!
26 April 2014
For all of us who lived in the former Yugoslavia, this films brings back memories. Good ones! I loved humanity of this film. I am so glad that finally some human beings are portrayed as such.

First of all to our English speaking friends I have to explain what it means Atomski Zdesna. It basically means Duck and Cover! While serving in the Yugoslav Army we were drilled if there is a nuclear attack from the right that means attack is coming from the right and the attacker is the good old US of A. If they yelled Atomski Slijeva that meant that attack is coming from the left and the attacker is the Soviet Union. Like Yugoslavia is supposed to be in the center. Hm.

Plot is cute and humane. Bosnian Muslims suffered most during the wars of the Yugoslav disintegration and I am so glad that they were portrayed well in this film.

Acting is a little bit overacting. That is a little pain in the former Yugoslav movies. Actors do not have an opportunity to act too much any more and when an opportunity comes along the do a little bit too much of acting, if you get my drift.

Notable exception is Branko Djuric. Our mothers were friends in Sarajevo, although I did not meet him personally, everything points out that he is a great human being. A lot of people told me so.

All in all if you are into former Yugoslav thematics this is a film for you. I liked it and I strongly recommend it.
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