Star Trek Continues: Pilgrim of Eternity (2013)
Season 1, Episode 1
For the money spent an amazing achievement
1 May 2014
I understand this episode cost just 40 thousand dollars. If you read the other reviews you can get an idea of how well the set and atmosphere were recreated.

But you want to know the full truth and not just the sugar coated version, so here is the rest:

I felt the story needed more energy and whilst it attempted to reproduce the moral tales of the 60s the lesson came across as superficial (I rolled my eyes at the end). You could also detect the absence of consulting scientists in the vetting of the script. There's some action outside the space ship that seems to have no bearing on the story. It was not tied in well, or at all actually, and just seemed to be an excuse to use the special effects.

The actors should be admired stepping into such big shoes. In some cases it didn't really work. The voices are what I noticed most. The original Spock spoke an octave lower than his modern day surrogate. There was also an obvious age difference in Kirk and McCoy which was hard to ignore.

If this was an original Star Trek episode it would have been a weaker one. Currently on Youtube about 3% of voters are giving it the thumbs down which is quite high I think for such a noble effort and it reflects the small but significant misjudgments and deficiencies which permeate the episode. I am sure these niggles will be ironed out in future as the team becomes more experienced and more free to experiment with new ideas and do it their own way. The first ever episode of Star Trek was equally awkward and look where that led :)
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