Review of Green Zone

Green Zone (2010)
Thrilling political thriller about the Iraq War
4 May 2014
The Green Zone is a well crafted thriller set in Iraq just after the invasion by the Allied coalition in 2003. Director Paul Greengrass who we know from the Bourne movies, again teams up with Matt Damon to explore the aftermath of the invasion and the behind the scenes machinations of the American government.

Matt Damon plays Roy Miller a Chief Warrant Officer who is tasked with finding WMD sites in Iraq. The only problem is that he keeps finding nothing. He is told the intelligence is solid, but he soon starts to doubt what he is being told. He soon bumps into a CIA officer Brendan Gleeson, who is trying to prevent the country falling apart. Miller soon realises that various branches of the US government are not on the same page.

Greg Kinnear's character Clark Poundstone is a slimy official who is not above using lethal force to enforce the Penatgon's agenda.Special mention must go to Jason Isaacs as a ruthless Special Forces type who does Poundstone's bidding.

The Green Zone is quite a subversive film as it is highly critical of the American government's actions after the invasion. Greengrass depicts chaos everywhere,highlighting the lack of planning post invasion.Miller, through whose eyes we see most of the action, is shocked at the lies that he and his men have been told by his superiors and a compliant media.

A well made thriller that will be better appreciated in the future. Keep in mind the state of Iraq when you watch this film.
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