Not Russ Tamblyn's crowning glory
6 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I've never liked Tamblyn much anyway, but he was still below his normal level of performance here. I'm sure a lot of it had to do with the dubbing, but still… some of it was just Tamblyn. He looked bored and self-conscious. I don't think his facial expression changed once in the hour and a half running time. He looked like he was waiting for a bus, and that saying his lines posed something of an inconvenience.

A few outstanding moments: love the scene where the fisherman looks into the water and sees the green gargantua glaring up at him; that was a real nice "jump". I also like the scene where the green one is emerging from the sea at a distance; it's not clear (aside from the title of the film) what exactly that thing is at first since it's so far away, and it gives quite a creepy effect. And, of course, the scene where the green one runs away, leaps off the land and into the sea is just hilarious… that was the scene my little brother and I always waited for and then howled at.

The brown one took longer to show up than I remembered from previous viewings; I almost forgot he was coming. The interaction between the two is nice… not all that subtle, perhaps, but subtle for a Japanese monster movie. The usual big mess is made by the warring creatures, with much destruction of model buildings and vehicles. I got a chuckle out of the female lead's plea not to kill the "good" gargantua… lady, the two of them are rolling all over the entire city locked in mortal combat; if we don't do something pretty darn quick, they're going to level the whole metropolitan area!

The less that is said about the female lounge singer, the better. I'd like to stick something in her throat that would preclude her from ever singing again; she has absolutely no talent whatsoever. Yes, the song was terrible, but that wasn't where the entire fault lay.

I don't know how it would be to watch this for the first time as an adult. As an adult who loved it as a kid, it's a fun way to spend 90 minutes. First time I'd ever seen it with the proper aspect ratio; I was so used to watching it on a small, square analog TV that it really seemed new and fresh on a 32" flat-screen… not to mention that it's much easier to tell the gargantuas apart in living color!
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