Easy to pass the time with this one
2 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing too remarkable here, but Marilyn Monroe fans will enjoy her performance despite the lightweight nature of both the comedy and music in this little Columbia B. Despite the fact that Adele Jergens does not look old enough to be Monroe's mother, they sell the thing pretty well. Jergens, by the way, is a dead ringer for Virginia Mayo. Marilyn is a bit more thin and her acting is a bit more natural than we would usually associate with her, especially for comedy. Rand Brooks is a pleasant presence as her fiancé, and Nana Bryant has some fun with her role as a society matron who, in order to soften the blow of her son's engagement to a "burlesque queen", pretends to be a former burlesque girl herself. Phil Karlson's direction is as assured and simple as ever, and the film's short running length passes easily enough, with no major memorable positives or negatives.
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