A really fun movie that unfortunately not going to find the audience it deserves.
6 July 2014
It's called "Girltrash" and if that's not something you find interesting then you're probably not going to enjoy it. This movie is fairly low budget but it doesn't pretend to be anything other than what it is. I found it entertaining, heart felt and just plain fun.

The songs are pretty good, the acting is perfect in tone. The characters are all interesting and pacing is excellent. It's low budget, it's not 'slick', but it's damned likable.

I have to agree with another reviewer that whoever recorded the sound or did the sound editing really let the side down. It doesn't ruin the film but the sound mixing is pretty amateur in comparison to the rest of the production. And whoever held the boom needs to learn to point it away from the road.

My only problem now is finding other movies like this - perfect late night movies. Movies that aren't afraid to just be entertaining. I have no idea who the intended audience of this movie is but I loved it. I guess you'd label it as 'guilty pleasure' but it's better than that. It's a movie I'd be proud to support yet I wouldn't expect anyone to understand my love of it. I just hope more people find this movie. It deserves to be a cult hit.
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