Loved it
9 July 2014
Khoya Khoya Chand did not get great reviews and I do wonder sometimes whether professional critics are always fair.

Anyway, I saw the film just now on TV and I loved it. The dark plot with several shades of interesting grey was most engrossing, keeping me glued to the screen, commercial breaks notwithstanding.

The star cast was superb and they all did justice to their roles. Shiny was brilliant as Zafar. I feel sorry for Shiny Ahuja who's film career is over due to much publicised reasons not necessary to go in to here.

Soha was a young Sharmila Tagore reinvented, she really is a carbon copy of her mother! Vinay Pathak, Rajat Kapur and all the rest were very very good. The costumes and period settings were wonderful as was the cinematography. I really liked this movie.

There is no need for me to repeat the story here, suffice it to say that this is a most enjoyable movie and well worth a watch for those who have not already seen it. Khoya Khoya Chand surely deserved a better innings at the box office.
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