Kidnapped (1987)
Not a bad film, that will kidnap over 90 minutes of your time
25 July 2014
Kidnapped comes off better than you think, from an array of B grade actors who give quite very believable performances. On a young pretty girl's (Evenson) 16th birthday, she is snatched while at the zoo, with her older sister (fine veteran b actress Crampton) after being harangued by a sleazy fast talking dude. Is it that guy out of Becker. She's become another pawn, another piece of meat in the underground porn industry. She seeks help from Naughton as a clichéd cop, where a relationship develops, Crampton staying with him, in no way cramping his style. He also has a primate friend, adding something extra to this slightly dull, though evoking drama about the realities of L.A. sleaze. Naughton and Crampton go undercover as porn film investors. When Naughton strips, one of the pornographers, floored, asks a question, in the most classic line of the movie. Napier as the lieutenant, is clichéd casting, as is General Hospital's Scotty as another cop. Again bad dude Robert Dryer plays another repugnant thug, one of the pornographers. With a tragic ending not like you think, Kidnapped is not half bad, with some nasty and unsettling moments, and Evenson does light up the screen, especially in close up shots.
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