Nebraska (2013)
Soulful & Perfect Non-Pretentious Family Drama
29 July 2014
Alexander Payne is one of my favorite directors. I believe that human emotions is captured the best way in his movies amongst the current crop of directors. "Nebraska" is a family drama genre movie dealing with the relationship between an extremely old and mentally fragile father and his not-so-young son and how their relationship change after the father is sure that he has won a lottery of a million dollars and is willing to visit to a far away place to retrieve the prize money.

Cast wise, Alexander Payne and his casting team has been a genius considering his previous movies. Bruce Dern (Father), Will Forte (Son) and June Aquibb (Mother) are the soul of the movie. The performance of Bruce Dern is an act of perfection and no word is sufficient enough to appreciate it. Will Forte plays the role of the son so well that it surprises me that he is mostly a stand up comedian by profession. June Aquibb provided comic relief in such a wonderful manner that you can't escape smiling. Rest supporting cast is so wonderful, each performing their role with unique mix of seriousness and comic.

I wouldn't say any negative about this movie, even if it may be gazing at my face throughout the movie cause I love Alexander Payne's movies. Each and every aspect of movie making, let it be storyline, black & white shooting, cinematography, casting, performance, music is simply done superbly.

Overall Rating: 09/10
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