"I always knew I should've taken a poke at that water lily!"
30 July 2014
Tired old screwball comedy of the "can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em" variety. An insufferable couple (Robert Young, Ann Sothern) rushes into getting married, only to realize afterwards they're incompatible. But, wouldn't you know it, these two crazy kids just can't let each other go.

I really like Ann Sothern and Robert Young but this one was a no-go for me. The characters are very unlikable and you have no time to get invested in their supposed romance. The movie starts mid-plot and what we see of them together throughout is just a terrible bickering couple that shouldn't be together for any reason. It's interesting to look at some of its parallels to the later "I Love Lucy" TV show. Sothern wants a career in show business but Young doesn't like that. Sothern wails and throws tantrums to try and get her way, much to Young's frustration. All it really highlights is that, in the hands of the right people with the right script, even tired ideas can be successful. Lucy & Desi made it work; Ann & Bob do not. Oh, and Reginald Owen plays Young's friend, wearing a ridiculous fake beard. Presumably for laughs. Yeah, it's that kind of movie.
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