Taxi Brooklyn (2014)
Complete Tragedy
13 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm trying to like this show. Really I am. The only thing that's good about it so far is the driving.

I would say that the acting is poor, but I don't think even Kevin Spacey could make writing this bad work. Truly horrible. The dialog is one sophomoric appeal to simple-minded, patronized-to and cliché lovers (IOW - Morons) after another. There's even a good bout of fart humor. Fart humor. So the target audience is 6-year-old Hotwheel collectors whose favorite color is yellow.

There is a story arch that is never developed, just sort of pulled out to fill the full 40 minutes. The lead characters emotional state moves around like a AD/D kid on crack cocaine. There is never any feeling at all of any gravity to any of it.

Some of my favorite moments...

1. The detective is interested in the murder of her father. She is a cop. No one will tell her what is going on? Why, I can't tell you for sure, but I guess it is intended to feel her isolation. Mostly though, it just seems stupid.

2. The detective is not allowed to drive, because she is reckless. So let's let her keep her gun and ride around in a cab instead. Makes sense to me. Seriously, this is the premise to the whole thing, and it is such a leap that only good writing will make it work, so...

3. Political humor about... evil Republicans. The gag is such a stupid and ham-handed cliché; the villain is "Bush's dirty deeds guy" who is old, homophobic, racist, paranoid and senile. So, when you're trying to make a new hit show, you should isolate half of the country who voted for the man. Smart? No. Out of touch. Most of us don't really buy into the political extremes and would rather be entertained by real ideas artfully portrayed.

4. The cabby's roommate is a flaming dude who is soooo over the top I have to cringe every time he's on. It is, again, a ham-handed attempt at including diversity that is more for shock value and humor at the expense of said diversity than it is about inclusion. This would be like having he Cabby's character played by a white man in black face. It is offensive to anyone who is truly concerned about gay rights.

That's as complicated as it gets. Motives are weak. Characters are empty. Plots are vapid, clichéd and stupidly simple-minded. We ride around with the cabby and the cop for awhile, and they shoot things, drive crazy, shout at everyone and themselves and finish the day with a hug, a pat on the back and roll credits. Meanwhile the good cop shows like "Life" get canceled.
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