Just plain rubbish
14 August 2014
Well – I was really disappointed by this film, and I didn't have that many expectations.

I am not sure where to start – seriously. From the outset it just didn't seem 'right' and progressively became more 'not right'.

From the outset the dialogue doesn't seem to fit together properly – let alone flow naturally as the story progresses. The same with character interactions – they just don't make sense at all. It is like the bits that explain the characters interaction is missing and they are straight into heavy emotional or dramatic dialogue for no obvious reason – very odd.

It could be partly the acting and partly the direction (as well as the awful writing) which doesn't make the characters believable at all. It is a bit like watching a very bad Latin American soap (if you have seen one you will know what I mean).

Then there are the factual inaccuracies. Whoever wrote this did not do their research well – if they did any at all that is. Some things are just plain ridiculous – like the lie detector machine and the 'psychological profiler' speaking absolute (bleep) about nearly everything to do with psychology.

There are so many unbelievable and plain stupid scenarios in this film that it is best to watch it for yourself – if you have nothing better to do such as laundry, or there isn't much interesting on the shopping channels.

The cinematography and lighting are OK though – mostly.

This could have potentially been a decent film if someone had taken time to write decent dialogue and made sure the story flowed naturally - and got their facts right – and the actors were better and not a mixture of wooden overly dramatic pensiveness.

The ending was rubbish too.
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