Reflections of Murder (1974 TV Movie)
This One Compelled Me To Put Diabolique On Must Watch
17 August 2014
I despise subtitles; they're just too distracting. But after watching "What Lies Beneath" and "Reflections of Murder" back to back (thanks to recommendation from IMDb user dan-834-361678 on the WLB comment section) I'm now bent on watching the original.

This is a very good scary story with two killer English translations 26 years apart. They have different production values and plot lines, but if they are both so good, I just cannot resist seeing the one that inspired both!

I can vouch for both WLB and ROM, because I just watched them both. Either is worth a watch for horror fans. It's up to you whether you are inspired like me to watch the original in a non-native language.

I think ROM probably adhered more to Diabolique's original plot line, but WLB is still a very worthwhile horror film with more contemporary production values, bigger actors and will scare the pants off you.

Also for any Sam Waterston fans, you must watch the 1974 "Reflections of Murder". He's a real SOB in ROM (as Michael Elliott), which is no surprise at all to me as a fan of "Law and Order". I have seen his creepy side beaucoups de temps there.

Tuesday Weld (as Vicky) drops her pretty girl personae and long hair and turns in a dramatic performance that is quite respectable.

Some reviewers don't like Joan Hackett (as Claire Elliott), but I have to disagree. She seems genuine to me, and a conditioned female, as was typical of the 70's.

If you can find this movie, it's definitely worth a look if you're a horror fan. If not, you can certainly find "What Lies Beneath" for a more modern and cinematic take on the "Dialique" story.
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