28 August 2014
Red Bovie (Robert Duvall) has lost his ranch, considers suicide, meets for the first time his grandson Gally (Jeremy Irvine), and decides to go to Mexico with Gally for one last fling before settling in a trailer park. The hitch-hikers they pick up and later strand on the highway dust leave a bag of drug money in the car and they follow Red and Gally to get the money back. Later a drug hit-man joins the quest for the money. This can't be good.

Robert Duvall as Red comes across as a crotchety curmudgeon and we are alarmed at first. We are uncomfortable with this Duvall as Red because unlike his previous movies: LONSEOME DOVE and GET LOW he didn't endear himself to us as he did in those movies. We were hoping for some endearing moments. Didn't happen. Oh, we do get used to his cantankerous behavior, but it takes a while. And, later the discomfort leaves us and we go with the flow, but still feel much of his dialogue is forced. Ooops, I guess the discomfort didn't really leave us. Something should have been done in the beginning to a point when we like Red. Right now, we tolerate him and hope he changes.

This is quite involved and complicated in the beginning. Everything revolves around the drug money that is accidentally found by Red who is after a good time in Old Mexico. They meet up with singer Patty Wafers (Angie Cepeda) and up to this point I thought we would escape without hearing foul language. Patty is the first to spew the F-bombs during one of her songs and then everyone else joins in later, from time to time, but not Red. He never uses any foul language.

Patty explains her immediate attachment to Red, but do we buy it? No.

Jeremy Irvine as naive grandson Gally serves as the one who tries to soften Red. He did okay going up against Curmudgeon Red.

This is watchable and could have been a made-for-TV movie except for the language, of course. No funny or good lines came out of this or even any good home-grown cowboy philosophy that Red might have touted. All in all I found this not to be one Robert Duvall's better movies. As I said, this is watchable. Oscars not considered. (5/10)

Violence: Yes. Sex: No. Nudity: No. Language: Yes.
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