Odd, quirky, sometimes dull dramedy, but Christina Applegate is a plus
31 August 2014
Released in 2003, this obscure movie is based on the weird events after country rocker Gram Parsons died just shy of his 27th birthday in 1973. He and his buddy, Phil Kaufman had a pact that if one died before the other the survivor would spread the other's cremains at Joshua Tree National Monument, a place Parsons loved. A couple of months after they made the pact Parsons' died and Kaufman felt duty-bound to carry out the pledge. So he steals Gram's body from the L.A. Airport and goes to Joshua Tree to carry out his promise. Of course, the authorities catch wind of the theft and are on the case; others too.

Johnny Knoxville is a solid protagonist as Phil Kaufmen and Michael Shannon is amusing as the hippie with a flowered hearse that Kaufman hires to transport the body. Christina Applegate plays Kaufman's ex-girlfriend and Marley Shelton his current girlfriend, both joining the chase. Robert Forster plays Parsons' aloof dad who feels bad about not being closer to Gram.

This all sounds more entertaining than it actually is. There are too many dull stretches (like the overlong airport sequence), but Knoxville and Shannon play well together and Applegate is always a pleasure to behold (she has such a striking look), not to mention the authentic locations. So it's nothing great, but it's worthwhile if you like the folk rock of the late 60s/early 70s and have a taste for quirky, unique independent movies.

The film runs 88 minutes, but feels longer.

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