Great movie, here are some of my thoughts
4 September 2014
Heavenly Sword is an extraordinary film animation about a heroine and her sister, with an unbreakable bond, that set off on a journey to to find their long lost brother chosen by fate to wield a sword of the the Gods. __ * I rated the film a 10 for its underlying story, the Animation was not done to well and when charters spoke to words were way off. I would suggest that the animator had spent some more time with that.

* The physics were off at times and things were sometimes way to fast for what they ought to be. I am pretty certain that the fault on this one was the computer that did the rendering but i would have def. fixed that.

* The film was kind of like a really long game cut scene, personally i kind of liked it; and i wouldn't change that in the sequel.

* The sword slashing on the horses legs should have def. cut the horses legs off but instead there was just a blood splatter. i would have advised either not showing the slash on the legs or actually show the leg being cut off. This scene, even though it was for about three seconds, made me very disappointed.

*The Texturing and modeling was absolutely amazing spot on for the theme of the movie. I would def. like to commend the team that did the modeling and texturing.


If this was a game, i would play it. (if it were anything like god of war).

If there was a part II, i would watch it.

Would i recommend this film? Absolutely.
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