Epic Story, Abysmal Graphics, Continuity Mistakes (possible spoiler if you haven't played the game)
6 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When the Heavenly Sword game came out, it was at the pinnacle of the PlayStation 3's graphics and even the original graphics from 2007 look better than this movie.

The animation, the acting, and the dialogue, everything that made the game brilliant is missing in this film. The characters have little to no facial animation when expressing emotions. No effort has been made to try and match the mouth movements to dialogue. Might as well be watching Team America/Thunderbirds puppets in CGI. Only the backdrops look good... from a distance, because as soon as you get close they blur or pixelate... and I am not even going to get started on the physics are represented.

The film also borrows the 2D animated miniseries which preceded the game's release. This is chopped up and used to tell an abridged version of the story, but they have also dubbed the original voice which was much better acted than its replacement, so I cant even give them credit for that.

And then... there are the continuity mistakes.. even as bad as to switch King Bohan's scarred eye from left to right and more than once in the opening act!? Unforgivably bad.

Not having much to fall back on, there is none of the music from the game which was beautiful, and the story follows some real gagworthy plot clichés.

Sorry, in a nutshell.. there are no redeeming qualities, so don't waste your time on money on this.

You're much better off watching the Full Cutscene version movie of the game on YouTube, or playing the game on PS3.
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