tgchan says YES!
17 September 2014

( I have seen the first "Appleseed" but it was years ago and I don't remember it at all )

Action from the very first minutes of the movie, accompanied with outstanding visuals! I must be very lucky, because it is my third post-apocalyptic movie in a pan of a month lol Cyborgs, robots, mechs, wanzers, whatever, this movie got lots of them and they all look great! The story seems to be interesting after 30min of watching, but the real thing is the eye candy animation. 55minutes have passed and the only thing I really disliked so far is the music... it really doesn't fit to the movie...

And I have finished watching it... Overall it is a decent thing to watch, great visuals, OK story, a little mismatched music choice but it all keeps you entertained for an hour and half. As I have mentioned before, I have seen the first part of the Appleseed and even though I remember only bits of it, I think the first one was much better. Oh! one more thing, there is a little extra after credits so make sure you don't miss that!

tgchan's rating: 6/10
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