Review of Turnabout

Turnabout (1940)
Gender reversal
21 September 2014
Advertising executive John Hubbard (Tim) is the most annoying man on the planet. His keep fit regime lasts all day long, even while he is at work. This includes massages, exercises and judo while he is making decisions in his office. And he is always happy. He needed to be bumped off early in the film, but this is a comedy, so it doesn't happen. His colleagues at the advertising company are equally annoying including the secretaries. It's all about shouting and wise-cracking. It really grates. Anyway, the first half of the film is completely annoying, before we get to the point of the film – the reversal between Hubbard and wife Carole Landis (Sally). How does this reversal affect the lives of Hubbard and Landis?

The film ultimately falls short. Apart from a mostly annoying cast, the set-up is way too long – it takes about 45 minutes to get to the point of the whole thing. And then we don't get enough. It could have been much funnier. The film also goes in the wrong direction by letting Hubbard and Landis keep their original voices, so that even though Landis is now a brash, energetic type, she still talks with Hubbard's voice. And vice versa – Hubbard minces through the office carrying a handbag, but also keeps the voice of Landis. It could have been much funnier without this voice error in the film.

To his credit, John Hubbard is very funny with his female mannerisms. There are occasional funny lines, but the whole first half of the film has been wasted. One of my favourite quotes comes from Landis. When her friends are gossipping about seeing Hubbard with another woman, she says "I've lost interest in the entire incident" in a dismissive manner. Whilst I can't wait to use this line at work when a manager explains something important, unfortunately, this phrase could be applied to the film as well. The second half pulls this film into the OK category.
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