Angel Beats! (2010)
Way too short and rushed - but amazing nonetheless
13 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to be as honest but unbiased as I can here.

After watching Clannad and Clannad Afterstory, I had become a huge fan of Key and their works, so I decided to pick up 'Angel Beats!'. Immediately I was captured by the music (which, by the way is so good I actually listened to the opening and ending every single episode)and the level of detail in animation (especially the guns!) although this is constant throughout Key's works. However, I feel that this anime was incredibly short, and suffered extremely because of it and I feel the writer (Jun Maeda) who also developed Clannad did not get what he expected. The plot is very confusing, and extra random information is thrown at you in every episode, and half the time you have to figure out 'what on earth is even going on' and 'how does this even make sense' instead of concentrating on the screen.

A guy (Otanashi) wakes up in an afterlife, where teenagers who led unhappy lives and did not get to fulfil their dreams get a second chance in this world, which is like a high school with surrounding rivers and stuff. Once they become happy, fulfil their dreams or behave like a normal student they disappear from this world. Some of the students there are rebelling against God because of their unfair lives, and do not want to disappear. They do this by fighting against the student council president, Kanade (Angel) who is trying to make them behave. But the extra stuff they add in for no reason really over complicated things.

I feel that although all the characters were unique, attractive and fun to watch, there was just not enough time to get attached to them before the end and it seems a lot of the emotion is forced on you, (here's a cute girl saying sad things to sad music, cry dammit!) when really, there is just no 'substance', if that makes sense whereas in Clannad/Clannad AS, the amount of thorough tear jerkers was just too much for me to handle (and I'm a guy!).

The characters did not get enough time to develop, especially the main guy, who I thought was a bit bland. It ended up with major plot holes (What happened to all the other characters? What is HER backstory? What the hell just happened?!) that I felt left a gaping hole in what could have been an incredibly enjoyable anime.

Enough of the criticism. The overall feel of the anime was really enjoyable, and makes you feel both happy and sad at parts. The music is a really big part of this. I liked the backstories of the characters they showed, especially Otonashi, whose backstory I thought was very interesting. The animation is slick and the characters are all likable with the voice-acting on point (none of the irritating over the top moe stuff)and I strongly recommend watching the English sub instead of dub. One reason is one of the characters only speaks English, spontaneously uttering random hilarious phrases, and also I felt the voices fit the characters and convey the emotions better, and the songs and names sound much better in Japanese (in fact Captain Levi plays the main character so what other reason would you not want to watch it?!) The battles are really awesome and get you fired up, but there isn't that much humour; when there is its pretty lame and repetitive.

After all that, it may seem strange to say that I would strongly recommend this anime but it really is one you can't miss. The music, characters and final scene are ones you can't go without saying you've experienced. Though short, it does leave an impact on you for a while (what do you want to do in your life? do things now before its too late!). Considering the huge fanbase, I'd say it could become a classic, but decide for yourself. Perfect mix of action and quite a thriller that keeps you hooked. Watch it, its pretty damn good for a thirteen episode series.If you find yourself uninterested, just remember the half tragic/depressing and half happy ending is worth the wait. I just loved the whole atmosphere and fantasy of it.
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