Coming Soon (2014)
What this film is suffering from...
16 October 2014
I had sworn not to view any of Yilmaz's movies after watching A.R.O.G couple of years ago. Since plot was similar to at least half a dozen of movies focused on prehistoric times and the jokes were made for an average of 11 year old viewers. I decided to call this kind of movie for dim wits.

So... after being raided by the teasers on TV for about two weeks, here I am. trying to put my dislike of this film in words.

First of all Mr. Yilmaz seems to have not changed his style of movie making a bit after A.R.O.G. I can see something's improved in his story telling but not much. This movie has no politic correctness, while the director Mr. Smarty Pants is making jokes about product placements in movies twice and making three major product placements, all lasting more than three minutes each. Minutes are valuable for story and character development in a movie but this one doesn't care for such an important ingredient. Valuable minutes fly away for a soft drink brand. This must be a way of screaming at the viewers face "I am smart you're dumb and you should be drinking this brand for the rest of your life". Nope! I don't buy it. I'd rather watch this brand's commercials than watching this movie. Because, at least commercials have more taste in story telling and they have honesty as a major plus: they admit they are made for selling a product. This movie is mostly focused on selling some soft drink. Not telling a story appropriately. They should be indicating on the posters that this movie is focused on advertising a certain brand so that viewers could know in advance.

And secondly... The conflict in this movie is too weak. Wify doesn't want this hubby. Because his line of work includes distribution of pirated copies of DVDs. Big whoop!Didn't she know what kind of person she was getting married to at the time she made that "commitment"? Obviously she had forgotten and suddenly

"bam!!" "I don't want this husband anymore" This doesn't happen in real life. An when it happens o the screen, I'm sorry, it doesn't make a bit of sense.

Third... Two main characters in this film are portrayed as nothing but two dumb flaming queens with a great will to mumble about a movie project which had been written more than 3 decades ago. And there is no depth to their characters. All they do is acting and talking feminine. Jokes about homosexuals have been made for so many years. So every joke about gay men in this movie have been made more than dozens of million times. How far could you go with old gay jokes in a movie. It gets old and believe me very fast to hear gay humiliation. A director of "this scale" (He considers himself a big one) shouldn't be feeding on such fear, fear of gay people.

Fourth cameos have no function in this movie and there are so many of them.

Fifth... Second half of the film is unbearable because it consists of variations of skits about making film with a short budget. Not only that, they are not laughable. Also another conflict added at the last quarter of the movie feels very rushed into the project at the very last minute. Doesn't tie well to the rest of the story.

I believe, for making a good film you need certain ingredients. A vital one is having a good screenplay. And good scripts need a lot of re- writings. This is a film project is obviously suffering from lack of re-writings.

If you have a lot of time to waste, you must see this film. Otherwise don't bother.
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