Have to say...
22 October 2014
Lately I haven't been able to concentrate on most movies. I finally decided that I had seen so many films that my Netflix list had moved into second and third tier films. While "Last Passenger" isn't the be-all and end-all of action/adventure films, it was certainly entertaining and exciting.

Most of these types of films, including high-end James Bond movies, have pretty preposterous plots and action sequences. It's been pointed out that this film is very inaccurate as far as the mechanics of trains, the train stops on this particular line, and today's fail-safe mechanisms. The average person doesn't know that.

This is a wild film, highly improbable, and thrilling, with attractive stars Dougray Scott and Kara Toinin. The ruggedly-handsome Scott does a job as a loving father determined to protect his son, and Kara Toinin is both gorgeous and sympathetic. The two have great chemistry. Lindsay Duncan, whom I saw in person in Private Lives, is a marvelous actress. Though she has a small part here, she's wonderful and classy. I enjoyed all the acting, even if the little boy here is no Leonardo di Caprio in the making.

I get a little tired of people criticizing films as if, for instance, a movie like this is supposed to be Citizen Kane when it isn't. I don't understand taking a film apart frame by frame and criticizing it, unless, of course, it's a boring, horrid, pretentious film. However, no one seems to do that with boring, horrid, pretentious films. When I look at IMDb reviews, those are the films that are hailed as "classics" that "demand multiple viewings." Well, David Lynch movies might demand multiple viewings, but others don't -- by me, anyway, since often I can't through five minutes of them. Sometimes it's enough that a film is fast moving, entertaining. where one cares about the characters.

So there, I liked it. Chacun à son goût.
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