23 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong; I enjoyed this even as I noted the flaws and I'd gladly watch it again yet I can't help feeling that either the co-writer director is loaded or lucked into someone prepared to underwrite her self-indulgence to the tune of several thousand/million euros. For one thing she clearly doesn't mind sloppy writing. Example: the protagonist, eleven year-old Celine, long a victim of sexual abuse by her father, takes it on the Jesse Ownes. At a truck stop she finds a container lorry with GB plates and the door unlocked (as you do), climbs inside and hides in a sleeping area behind the cab. The driver, Scotch rather than English, eventually returns and drives off. After a while he spots her in the rear-view mirror and beckons her into the cab.He doesn't seem alarmed, concerned, or indeed anything to find a girl so young hiding in his vehicle. They bond and share an idyllic few days on the road. Problem: the man is in the haulage business; he is in France to (presumably) deliver a cargo and/or pick up a cargo, both of which would imply a deadline yet once he meets Celine he seems perfectly content to abandon any schedule he may have had. At an early stage - he has gone into a hyper-market to buy toothpaste, toothbrush, and panties at her request, he sees her photo larger than life on a bank of plasma tvs in the store together with the caption that she is missing. If anything he shows even less concern and certainly doesn't tell Celine that she is headline news. This is only one of the many holes through which you could drive his container. A short time later he disconnects the cab and leaves the container in a layby. If you can swallow this then fine. Sylvie Testud, just about the only 'name' in the cast, and the only actor likely to be known in the UK, is totally wasted in an under-written role as Celine's mother but the acting throughout is of the highest order, if you're well versed in the suspension of disbelief you'll enjoy this one.
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