Dead Still (2014)
Uneven but better than anticipated
1 November 2014
Not that I thought that Dead Still wouldn't work, in fact the concept was a good one and had the makings of a fun movie at least. It is however a concept that is not much new and there was the worry that Dead Still would do little with it. Actually Dead Still was better than anticipated, it is uneven and one does wish it did more with the concept but it is far from a waste of time. Starting with what was good with Dead Still is that it looks pretty good for a small budget movie, some of the camera work is a little too obvious on occasions but it actually flows and doesn't seem too jerky, and when it is the latter it doesn't feel over-used and actually adds to the scene. It won't win Best Photography any time soon but you shouldn't expect that, this is photography that looks like it was done with some professionalism. The make-up doesn't look too fake, the lighting is never too dark and the sets while not beautiful(though it's not the film for that) are hardly people's basement quality. The music has some eeriness without being too repetitive or predictable, and there is a decent degree of suspense once the movie gets going with some genuinely shocking moments and some extremely graphic and quite creepy death scenes. There are also three good performances, from Ben Browder, Gavin Casalegno and in particular Ray Wise. Browder has the most potentially identifiable role in the movie and brings dignity and gravitas to it, Casalegno's performance is enormously expressive and remarkably mostly with body language doing all the talking and Wise is deliciously evil as a character with no redeeming qualities and is clearly having a whale of a time.

There is however some terrible supporting acting, especially from Eric Ruff who goes so overboard as the Professor that it's painful to watch and feels like it belongs in another movie altogether while Elle Lamont and Carrie Lazar are rather stiff, though nowhere ever near as bad as Ruff. But they are not helped by that all the characters are very one-dimensional with very little character arcs and next to no motivation, and that Dead Still's script is very weak with some stilted dialogue and conversations that don't lead to much. As aforementioned, you do wish they did much more with the storytelling, there are suspenseful moments and some very creepy scenes mainly in the second half but the story does suffer from trying to take on too much and not exploring its ideas enough, especially the entire mirror-world thing that was really underused here. You are constantly asking yourself why the characters are acting the way they are, Brandon's fight never resonates, the storyline with his son has little back-story or motivation and just seems and the movie never explains why the son is mute or why the prophesy is as it is. In conclusion, Dead Still a very uneven movie but at least there were glimpses of effort and that while there was wasted potential it never felt like you regretted watching it. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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