Review of Good People

Good People (2014)
Should be called Home Alone 8 and a half
10 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have a feeling the writer and director of this movie spent some time with Macaulay Culkin and also with his private stash.


The movie might be okay if viewed as a subconscious drama about the desperation of not being able to have children or get pregnant.

Movie opens - some heroin deal gone wrong.

Next 20 minutes you meet a couple trying to get pregnant who rents to a heroin addict in their basement - who dies - they find about $400,00 in cash in the ceiling and decide to keep it. Who knows, maybe no 'bad' people will come looking.

These two are broke, but the husband keeps throwing money into a broke down mansion his aunt willed him- they face eviction from the apartment and loss of the home unable to pay mortgage. COULD THEY SELL THE BROKEN HOME ? Sure - do they ? nope. Comes in handy later for a Home Alone re-enactment as an attempt to save the movie.

Police come - they lie to the police.

Bad guys come - break the guys fingers - which magically are just fine the rest of the movie - give him MULTIPLE head concussions- severe trauma to the body but - hey- $400,000 is worth it riiiight ? After the bad guys smash dad to be's head around a few times, I'm sure quality time with the children will be great - I can see it now - a 5 year old goes "Hi dad, how does the color blue taste today? Have you heard any more noises that sound like circles or squares ? (Dad just continues nods mumbling something about how $400,000 was worth losing potential for quality REST OF YOUR LIFE that renders you unable to sort abstract shapes out from a stick of butter.)

Guy STILL chooses to keep $400,000 over his own well being - and his wife's well being.

Remember - they JUST want to have a family- that's ALL they REALLY want to do - but hey - let's LIE to the police and LIE to the drug dealers who are willing to kill them- allllll for $400,000.

Bad guys catch up - They play out the bad guys coming as if they are cartel kingpings - you watch The Wire ? on HBO ? Avon Barksdale and Stringer Bell made $400,000 in a DAY, let alone Marlo Stanfield - and THIS MOVIE ? sends in the TOP CARTEL kingpin named 'Genghis Khan' to get his MEASLY $400k back.

So what does the young aspiring to start a family and live a normal quiet life decide to do ?

Why ? Go back to the abandon gutted mansion he was trying to fix up- and they get to work on it Home Alone style- setting booby traps and then call the bad guys to come on over.

At this point in the movie - if you made it this far - you have 4 therapists on SPEED DIAL - to counsel you for your emotional losses, or maybe a family priest just to handle to spiritual vacant abyss this movie takes you off the cliff of. Yes I just ended a sentence with a preposition.

In the end the police man who told them they were going to prison for keeping the money ? Comes in and says here- the fire man found this - and gives them about $20,000 - yeah - I BET the fireman found it.

So after ALL of that - he's got brain trauma - maybe some broken ribs- easily broken fingers - their best friends baby was held at gunpoint, she ? was fine with this the entire time and they drive off into the sunset to spend their whopping $20,000.

NOT to mention how many people died in this movie - ALL for $400,000.

I don't know who created this pile of garbage but it's either propaganda of some sort or they were DOING heroin when they wrote and directed it.

I can't blame the actors- they were good- but everything else ?

My god - the horror of it all -

This movie makes me want to start a website called REALLYBADMOVIES dot com

With all the heroin in this movie - AND the Home Alone finale ? I think they SHOULD have had a cameo from Macaulay Culkin.
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