I want to set the record straight!
12 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know who paid the other reviewers but what a crock. Im betting they were apart of this crapfest The ending was terrible and not a shocker. This was a B movie with B actors, a B script, and B special effects if you can even call them that. So much to say where to begin. If the Brother wasn't the killer why did he get a gun, then chloroform and kidnap a cops daughter? Why does corona make you fight like a wus. This was just cheesy from the cheesy car chase to the cheesy one liners to the cheesy plot. Who could possibly review this movie and give it more than 3 stars? I won't say it was the worst movie I've ever seen because I watch a lot of movies but it was a stinker. I was expecting a serial killer thriller and got none of it. The only believable character was the pimp at the beginning of the film and thats saying a lot. There was 0 character development so I literally had 0 interest in any of the characters. I will usually give up on films like this 10 minutes in but gave this a chance and now I wish I had the time back. I don't care if you get this for free it isn't worth watching. With all this being said even though this was the same ole same ole format of a thriller that just didn't build any suspense it really could have been better with just a tiny bit of effort. There were some believable moments where I felt the actors were not just phoning it in but they were few and far between. This film gets a solid D even though in school 30% was a F, I don't think it deserves a F but it barely ranks a D. Watch at your own peril.
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